We constantly depend on the best processes and tools for our projects and products. The “state of the art” of today may be outdated tomorrow.
SCRUM, an iterative, agile process model for project and product management, has been the basis of our work since 2013. All of our employees in development are trained and certified in SCRUM.
- Programming languages: C#, C++
- 3D technologies: Acis (3D Kern), OpenGL (3D visualisations)
- Interface technologies: JSON, gRPC, WCF
- User Interfaces: HTML/JS, Qt, WPF
- Development environment: Microsoft Visual Studio
- Version control: git, Perforce
- Datenanalyse: Elastic mit Kibana
- Cloud platforms: AWS, Azure
- IoT connectors: AWS Greengrass, Azure IoT Hub
- Databases: Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Dynamo, MongoDB
We know and use a wide range of technologies. This enables us to develop both “on-premises” as well as “cloud-based” solutions efficiently. We work together with our customers to analyse the problem and define just the right technologies for success.