mcs > Maschinenbau
Digitalisierung für den Maschinenbau
Was wir für Sie tun
We support our customers in all product phases. We supervise both partial and complete projects, whatever is needed.
Software Engineering
We take charge of complete products and handling them independently – from the defining of requirements to final acceptance. Documentation, hotline and maintenance included. We also take charge of partial products, such as the development of software components.
We take charge of your existing products for maintenance and minor further development with first, second and third-level support.
Reviews von Softwarekonzepten und bestehenden Lösungen.
Personal consultation, development of software, production and control concepts.
Projekte & Technologien
Studer Technology integrated
The use of CAM Studer Technology software developed by mcs makes grinding more economical and improves its quality in comparison to empirical values.
CAM Rohrschneiden
mcs Expertise für die Entwicklung eines CAM Systems für Laser-Rohrschneidemaschinen.
Kostenkalkulation für Blechteile & Kostenkalkulation as a Service
Zeit und Kosten von Fertigungsteilen zuverlässig und schnell kalkulieren.
What our Customers say about us:
Main Areas
Das mcs-Team verfügt über langjährige Expertise im Bereich MedTech, Automation und Fertigung.
C# / C++
Primary programming languages used
Software as a Service, software service development
2 and 3-dimensional representations, processing and simulations
Computer-based production
Smart Maschine, KI
Maschinen werden «intelligenter» z.B. mittels maschinellem Lernen (KI)
Digital Twin
Digitaler «Zwilling» von Geräten und Maschinen
Data Analytics
Daten sammeln, aufbereiten und visulaisieren.
Zeit- und Kostenkalkulation von Prozessen